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$70k to Barrington Muni for tourism upgrades on Cape Island

Over the last couple of years, the Municipality of the District of Barrington says it has seen an increase in the number of visitors to the area who have come to relax and enjoy the local fishing villages, museums, white sandy beaches and culinary delights. Attracting tourists by offering enriching coastal experiences is important to the economic vitality of rural seaside communities, says a government news release Thursday.

Barrington doctor accepting patients June 13

People looking for a family physician will have an opportunity to become a patient of Dr. Noel Baker in Barrington Passage on the morning of June 13. At this time, Dr. Baker’s office will register 100 new patients through a telephone application process.

The phone line to accept patients will be open Saturday, June 13, starting at 9 a.m. until 12 noon or until 100 patients are registered. People interested in becoming a patient of Dr. Baker, please note:

Barrington needs dialysis unit, says d'Entremont

Minister says gutting Barrington community service office should have happened sooner

Decision "out of the "blue", says warden.
Minister breaks promise made in the legislature, says MLA

The Barrington Municipal Council is none to pleased about a decision by the Department of Community services to eliminate five child protection worker positions in the Barrington office