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Shelburne Muni warden says Lockeport & Shelburne annexation plan bad idea

"Not well thought out' plan could cost towns $400,000

Shelburne annexation, amalgamation, dissolution discussion stays heated

Lockeport mayor Darian Huskilson, Municipal warden Roger Taylor, Shelburne mayor Karen Mattatall

Shelburne Town fires back at Municipality

"The time for a free ride is over." Shelburne Town councilor Roy O'Donnell

Warden says Town of Shelburne should dissolve, citing dangerous financial policies

Opinion: McNeil and Whalen only supporters of film tax credit slash?

There’s something unusual about the flap over the downgrading of Nova Scotia’s film tax credit, accoring to Roger Taylor of the Chronicle Herald

Since the change was announced last week in the provincial budget, he hasn't found anyone who supports the idea, aside from Premier Stephen McNeil and Finance Minister Diana Whalen.

After more than 30 years, one might tend to believe that Nova Scotia’s film industry should be ready to stand on its own without much of an incentive, but there are extenuating circumstances related to the film business here.


Boycott Herald
Ken Langille - Town of Yarmouth